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01-Lifting.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 101.22 MB
02-I've Been High.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 72.51 MB
03-All the Way to Reno.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 103.35 MB
04-She Just Wants to Be.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 115.09 MB
05-Disappear.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 93.06 MB
06-Saturn Return.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 98.93 MB
07-Beat a Drum.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 93.08 MB
08-Imitation of Life.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 87.71 MB
09-Summer Turns to High.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 71.17 MB
10-Chorus and the Ring.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 95.23 MB
11-I'll Take the Rain.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 127.76 MB
12-Beachball.flac 2022-09-02 15:54:26 86.39 MB
Reveal.pdf 2022-09-02 15:54:26 4.93 MB