文件 时间 大小 下载
01. You're No Good.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 61.46 MB
02. Dinah.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 38.18 MB
03. Don't Let Go.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 41.58 MB
04. Maisie.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 25.39 MB
05. There Will Never Be Another You.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 69.46 MB
06. Stormy Weather.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 58.63 MB
07. Autumn Leaves.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 54.63 MB
08. Four Brothers.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 45.21 MB
09. After You've Gone.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 33.12 MB
10. The Christmas Song.flac 2022-08-26 09:24:40 30.19 MB
booklet.pdf 2022-08-26 09:24:40 1.17 MB
foo_dr.txt 2022-08-26 09:24:40 1.33 KB
front web.jpg 2022-08-26 09:24:40 1.45 MB
front.jpg 2022-08-26 09:24:40 1.02 MB
play.m3u 2022-08-26 09:24:40 254 B